9 research outputs found

    Metascheduling and Heuristic Co-Allocation Strategies in Distributed Computing

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    In this paper, we address problems of efficient computing in distributed systems with non-dedicated resources including utility grid. There are global job flows from external users along with resource owner's local tasks upon the resource non-dedication condition. Competition for resource reservation between independent users, local and global job flows substantially complicates scheduling and the requirement to provide the necessary quality of service. A metascheduling concept, justified in this work, assumes a complex combination of job flow dispatching and application-level scheduling methods for parallel jobs, as well as resource sharing and consumption policies established in virtual organizations and based on economic principles. We introduce heuristic slot selection and co-allocation strategies for parallel jobs. They are formalized by given criteria and implemented by algorithms of linear complexity on an available slots number

    Визначення впливу кавітаційної обробки на октанове число газоконденсатного бензину, модифікованого ізопропанолом

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    This paper reports a study into the effect of cavitation on the octane number of gas-condensate gasoline with the addition of isopropanol in the amount of 0‒12 % by volume. The papers that confirm the impact of cavitation on the intensification of oil cracking reactions have been analyzed. Cavitation also initiates reactions of interaction between free radicals and alcohols. A laboratory installation scheme has been proposed to investigate the cavitation treatment process on the characteristics of gasoline modified with alcohols. A methodology has been devised for studying the effect of cavitation treatment intensity on the octane number of gasoline. A 0.3‒0.9-point increase in the octane number of gas-condensate gasoline modified with isopropanol was experimentally proven following its cavitation treatment. The effect of the number of cavitation treatment cycles on the octane number indicator has been studied; it is shown that the stable value of an increase in the octane number is achieved over 7‒8 cycles of cavitation treatment at a pressure at the outlet from the nozzle of 9.0 MPa. A reduction in the isopropanol additive, required to produce gasoline brands A-95 and A-98, when using a cavitation treatment technology was substantiated. It has been experimentally confirmed that compared to simple mechanical mixing of alcohol and hydrocarbon gasoline, the application of cavitation reduces the consumption of isopropanol by 17 % (from 3.0 % to 2.5 % by volume) in the production of gasoline brand A-95; and by 14 % (from 8.1 % to 7.0 % % by volume) in the production of gasoline brand A-98. The effect of isopropanol concentration on the increase in the octane number of gasoline, measured by research method, under conditions of cavitation treatment is nonlinear in nature: with highs at concentrations of 1.0 % by volume, 3.5 % by volume, and 6.5 % by volume. Varying the initial concentration of isopropanol and the octane number of a hydrocarbon gasoline fraction can optimize the technological mode of production of gasoline brands A-95 and A-98 in terms of raw materials and energy consumptionИсследовано влияние кавитации на октановое число для газоконденсатного бензина с добавкой изопропанола в количестве 0-15 % объемных. Проанализированы публикации, доказывают влияние кавитации на интенсификацию реакций крекинга нефтепродуктов. Кавитация также инициирует реакции взаимодействия свободных радикалов со спиртами. Предложено лабораторную схему установки для исследования процесса кавитационной обработки на характеристики бензинов, модифицированных спиртами. Разработана методология по изучению влияния интенсивности кавитационной обработки на октановое число бензинов. Экспериментально доказано рост октанового числа газоконденсатного бензина, модифицированного изопропанолом, при его кавитационной обработке, на 0,3-0,9 пункта. Изучено влияние количества циклов кавитационной обработки на показатель октанового числа и показано, что постоянное значение прироста октанового числа достигается за 7-8 циклов кавитационной обработки при давлении на выходе из форсунки 9,0 МПа. Обоснованное уменьшение добавки изопропанола, необходимое для производства бензинов марок А-95 и А-98, при использовании технологии кавитационной обработки. Экспериментально подтверждено, что по сравнению с простым механическим смешением спирта и углеводородного бензина применения кавитации уменьшает расходы изопропанола на 17 % (с 3,0 % об. До 2,5 % об.) При производстве бензина марки А-95; и на 14 % (с 8,1 % об. до 7,0 % об.) при производстве бензина марки А-98. Влияние концентрации изопропанола на прирост октанового числа бензина, измеренного по исследовательскому методу, в условиях кавитационной обработки имеет нелинейный характер: с максимумами при концентрациях 1,0 % об. и 3,5 % об. и 6,5 % об. Варьированием начальной концентрации изопропанола и октанового числа углеводородного бензиновой фракции можно оптимизировать технологический режим производства бензинов А-95 и А-98 по затратам сырья и по энергозатратамДосліджено вплив кавітації на октанове число для газоконденсатного бензину із добавкою ізопропанола в кількості 0–12 % об’ємних. Проаналізовані публікації, що доказують вплив кавітації на інтенсифікацію реакцій крекінгу нафтопродуктів. Кавітація також ініціює реакції взаємодії вільних радикалів із спиртами. Запропоновано лабораторну схему установки для дослідження процесу кавітаційної обробки на характеристики бензинів, модифікованих спиртами. Розроблено методологію із вивчення впливу інтенсивності кавітаційної обробки на октанове число бензинів. Експериментально доказане зростання октанового числа газоконденсатного бензину, модифікованого ізопропанолом, при його кавітаційній обробці, на 0,3–0,9 пункти. Вивчений вплив кількості циклів кавітаційної обробки на показник октанового числа та показано, що стале значення приросту октанового числа досягається за 7–8 циклів кавітаційної обробки при тиску на виході з форсунки 9,0 МПа. Обґрунтоване зменшення добавки ізопропанолу, необхідне для виробництва бензинів марок А-95 та А-98, при використанні технології кавітаційної обробки. Експериментально підтверджено, що в порівнянні із простим механічним змішуванням спирту та вуглеводневого бензину застосування кавітації зменшує витрати ізопропанолу на 17 % (з 3,0 % об. до 2,5 % об.) при виробництві бензину марки А-95; і на 14 % ( з 8,1 % об. до 7,0 % об.) при виробництві бензину марки А-98. Вплив концентрації ізопропанолу на приріст октанового числа бензину, виміряного за дослідницьким методом, в умовах кавітаційної обробки має нелінійний характер: з максимумами при концентраціях 1,0 % об. та 3,5 % об. та 6,5 % об. Варіюванням початкової концентрації ізопропанолу та октанового числа вуглеводневої бензинової фракції можна оптимізувати технологічний режим виробництва бензинів А-95 та А-98 за витратами сировини та за енерговитратам

    Metascheduling Strategies in Distributed Computing with Non-dedicated Resources

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    In this chapter, we address problems of efficient computing in distributed systems with non-dedicated resources including utility Grid. There are global job flows from external users along with resource owner’s local tasks upon resource non-dedication condition. Competition for resource reservation between independent users, local and global job flows substantially complicates scheduling and the requirement to provide the necessary quality of service. A metascheduling concept, justified in this work, assumes a complex combination of job flow dispatching and application-level scheduling methods for parallel jobs, as well as resource sharing and consumption policies established in virtual organizations and based on economic principles

    Composite Scheduling Strategies in Distributed Computing with Non-dedicated Resources

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    AbstractThis work presents dispatching strategies based on methods of job-flow and application-level scheduling in virtual organizations of distributed computational environments with non-dedicated resources. Job-flow management is implemented with the set of specific rules for resource usage. Applications are considered as parallel jobs. Strategies are based on economic scheduling models and diverse administration policies inside resource domains (clusters, computational nodes equipped with multicore processors etc.). Methods of priority economic scheduling of global job flows and local-level applications in distributed computations are studied. Job management structures and economic mechanisms for load balancing in distributed environments are considered

    Scheduling Optimization in Grid with VO Stakeholders’ Preferences

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    The problem of intelligent Grid computing and job-flow scheduling with regard to preferences given by various groups of virtual organization (VO) stakeholders (such as users, resource owners and administrators) is studied. A specific flexible resources share algorithm is proposed for job-flow scheduling which enables to achive a balance between the VO stakeholders’ conflicting preferences and policies. This approach provides greater VO scheduling fairness, improves the overall quality of service and resource load efficiency. Two different metrics are introduced to find a scheduling solution balanced between VO stakeholders. Experimental results prove that the cyclic scheduling scheme allows establishing efficient cooperation between different VO stakeholders even if their goals and preferences are contradictory

    Preference-based Fair Resource Sharing and Scheduling Optimization in Grid VOs

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    AbstractIn this paper, we deal with problems of efficient resource management and scheduling in utility Grids. There are global job flows from external users along with resource owners’ local tasks upon resource non-dedication condition. Competition for resource reservation between independent users, local and global job flows substantially complicates scheduling and the requirement to provide the necessary quality of service. A meta-scheduling model, justified in this work, assumes a complex combination of job flow dispatching and application-level scheduling methods for jobs, as well as resource sharing and consumption policies established in virtual organizations (VOs) and based on economic principles. A solution to the problem of fair resource sharing among VO stakeholders with simulation studies is proposed

    Job Flow Distribution and Ranked Jobs Scheduling in Grid Virtual Organizations

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    In this work, we consider the problems of job flow distribution and ranked job framework forming within a model of cycle scheduling in Grid virtual organizations. The problem of job flow distribution is solved in terms of jobs and computing resource domains compatibility. A coefficient estimating such compatibility is introduced and studied experimentally. Two distribution strategies are suggested. Job framework forming is justified with such quality of service indicators as an average job execution time, a number of required scheduling cycles, and a number of job execution declines. Two methods for job selection and scheduling are proposed and compared: the first one is based on the knapsack problem solution, while the second one utilizes the mentioned compatibility coefficient. Along with these methods we present experimental results demonstrating the efficiency of proposed approaches and compare them with random job selection

    Determining the Influence of Cavitation Treatment on the Octane Number of Gas-condensate Gasoline Modified with Isopropanol

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    This paper reports a study into the effect of cavitation on the octane number of gas-condensate gasoline with the addition of isopropanol in the amount of 0‒12 % by volume. The papers that confirm the impact of cavitation on the intensification of oil cracking reactions have been analyzed. Cavitation also initiates reactions of interaction between free radicals and alcohols. A laboratory installation scheme has been proposed to investigate the cavitation treatment process on the characteristics of gasoline modified with alcohols. A methodology has been devised for studying the effect of cavitation treatment intensity on the octane number of gasoline. A 0.3‒0.9-point increase in the octane number of gas-condensate gasoline modified with isopropanol was experimentally proven following its cavitation treatment. The effect of the number of cavitation treatment cycles on the octane number indicator has been studied; it is shown that the stable value of an increase in the octane number is achieved over 7‒8 cycles of cavitation treatment at a pressure at the outlet from the nozzle of 9.0 MPa. A reduction in the isopropanol additive, required to produce gasoline brands A-95 and A-98, when using a cavitation treatment technology was substantiated. It has been experimentally confirmed that compared to simple mechanical mixing of alcohol and hydrocarbon gasoline, the application of cavitation reduces the consumption of isopropanol by 17 % (from 3.0 % to 2.5 % by volume) in the production of gasoline brand A-95; and by 14 % (from 8.1 % to 7.0 % % by volume) in the production of gasoline brand A-98. The effect of isopropanol concentration on the increase in the octane number of gasoline, measured by research method, under conditions of cavitation treatment is nonlinear in nature: with highs at concentrations of 1.0 % by volume, 3.5 % by volume, and 6.5 % by volume. Varying the initial concentration of isopropanol and the octane number of a hydrocarbon gasoline fraction can optimize the technological mode of production of gasoline brands A-95 and A-98 in terms of raw materials and energy consumptio